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Today it has been announced
that Israel has lunched new airstrikes on Gaza killing over 200 palestinians
in the strike. Israel has stated that they were striking Hamas because
the hostage releases have stalled. But most of the dead are innocent palestinian
civilians. AMERICA Has blood on their hands just as Israel has, so where
is Mr Trump now with his peace proposals??? These are American Bombs that
are being used by the War Crimes Mr Benjamin Netanyahu on these civilians.
And when is the war criminal going to be arrested??? I would say like
Putin, Netanyahu will Never see the inside of a prison cell.
And Our Australian puppet government is also doing Nothing about the
plight of these palestinian peoples. It is Very Clear that Netanyahu and
The American President Trump have sealed a deal that america supplies the
weapons and when the gaza people are exterminated, america will claim Gaza
as another state of America... What a sad world in which we live in but
History is recording these events for all to know in the future. I hope
that all of the palestinians get out of Gaza as quickly as they can as
they should never have been allowed back there while it was only a temporary
ceasefire, it is now a slaughter of innocent people which i am certain
was calculated by Trump and Netanyahu to do this so as to empty out gaza
for america....
I believe that our beloved government is actively promoting
hate in australia between our Jewish and Palestine communities. So but
first lets go back in history between the jews and palestine peoples. The
jews had no real homeland and were spread out in poland and europe. Israel
was the homeland of the palestine people. After the war and holocaust of
the jewish people, they banded together and decided amongst themselves
that they would make Israel their homeland and they all flocked there.
The Palestine people and government accepted them into Israel as refugees.
And as history has recorded, they gained control of the Israel government
and started evicting the Palestine peoples. Benjamin Netanyahu wants to
be known in history as the savior of the Israeli people and who claimed
the whole of israel as their jewish homeland. Click
here for video evidence. So today the palesine people occupy two small
parcels of land that is their homeland being Gaza and the West Bank. The
jews who occupy israel have separated gaza from israel by large fences
which are monitored via a security camera network. But on 7th October 2024
Hamas attacked villages along that border in a surprise attack and the
security services ignored these attacks for hours and hours. So around
1,200 innocent israeli citizens were murdered and over a hundred were taken
hostage, and the Israeli Government knowing of the attacks happening, did
not send in security forces as they normally would have for around 6 hours
after the attacks started. So clearly the Israel government allowed this
disgusting event to happen because they needed this as a reason to exterminate
the palestinians from israel lands. So these two nations are over time
have already a large dislike of each other and now when this latest conflict
started, the australian government pick sides. They have stood steadfast
with Israel and ignored the palestinian people in australia. The majority
of palestinians are not part of hamas and the killings that happened on
7th October 2024, they are also the innocent victims of this tragedy. But
Australia is a successful Multi Cultural Land and now our government has
totally divided our israeli and palestinian people by doing this. The govt
also lit up the Opera House in blue lights in support of israel but has
done nothing for the palestinians, as they are loyal australians also.
Our govt has as far as I'm concerned, lit the Fuse Of Hatred further between
our australia Israeli people and the Palestinian citizens. History will
record our government and their secret actions of fuelling hatred and division
in australia. We can all only pray that the current peace overseas remains
and that Israel is divided between the Jews and the Palestinian Communities,
and that they could finally live together in peace as we are in australia.
And history will record that Benjamin Netanyahu is a War Criminal for the
murder and slaughter of innocent men, women and children in gaza and the
west bank.
Yesterday I heard our Prime Minister tell All Australians
Over 59 that they Have To Have the Astra Zenica injection. For those who
don't want that because of the danger of Dying from it, and want Phizer
instead are being blackmailed into having it anyway. He has told us that
too bad, suck it up and get Astra Zenica as once there is more phiser,
the young have first access and all those over 59 years will be on the
END Of The List. So that could be Next Year when we can have access to
it, and if you are lucky, you will still be Alive to get it. Mr Morrison
you will have Blood on your hands for Every person who dies after Australia
opens up.
Well today our great leader here in Australia Mr Morrison, announced
that he has appointed a digital minister to look after the near future
introduction of a CASHLESS SOCIETY here is Australia!!!! Well
Well Well, I felt sick when i watched him announce that on TV today, what
a sick man that he and his political party is that they would use this
pandemic with now over 1 Million Deaths worldwide, to further their cause
in moving australia towards a Cashless Society.
What sort of human being would do that, and do you really believe that
people swallow that B.S about business need that to survive in the future.
STOP LYING to the australian public and tell them the truth. You want
to move Australia to being a Republic and Remove Cash from Australians.
This is just some more steps towards the NEW WORLD ORDER,
Tell Them Morrison and stop lying. Tell them why we have to join the New
World Order...
People should do a google search on 'New World Order"
and see what this evil thing is and how these politicians are traitors
to the australian public, selling us down the gurgler....
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